World Environment Day | Homemade Cleaning Products

World Environment Day | Homemade Cleaning Products

The alyce alexandra team are deeply passionate about protecting our environment, and we try to consider the environmental implications of everything we do, from shopping to storing to cooking to cleaning. Every little bit counts! And with World Environment Day yesterday, there’s no better time to start looking for ways to improve your eco-friendliness.

Last year we gave you tips on how to avoid food wastage; this year, given that our newsletter this year is cleaning themed, we thought we should give you some advice on eco-friendly cleaning! One of the best ways to minimise your carbon footprint and to ease the pressure on your wallet is to make your own cleaning products. You might be surprised to know that simple combinations of baking soda (which scours and removes stains), white vinegar (which cuts grease and removes odours) and lemon juice (which is antibacterial) can clean your kitchen as well as any store-bought cleaning product can. Use equal parts vinegar and water for an all-purpose cleaner; a combination of vinegar, hot water and lemon juice for a floor cleaner that’s safe for children and animals; and a paste made from water and baking soda to scour burnt food of baking dishes. We can swear by it, because this is exactly what we use in our kitchen!

You’ll find that once you start using more natural cleaning products, you’ll love not having those harsh chemical smells in your home. If you don’t have time to make your own cleaning products, you can also find an increasingly diverse range of environmentally-friendly cleaning products from your supermarket or local health food store.

Start today by taking a moment to enjoy the environment around you, and remind yourself of how important it is that we protect it.

For more of my tips and tricks to living the good life without chemicals, I’ve written helpful articles in my cookbooks Thermo Cooker Fresh Favourites and Everyday Thermo Cooking.