Let's talk about one of the reasons why bees are SO important, and it has absolutely nothing to do with honey. Seven of the nine crops that provide at least half the vitamin C to the human population depend on bee pollination. No bees, not enough vitamin C - and in times like this, the importance of vitamin C cannot be overstated. Look after bees, so you can look after yourself!! I fully appreciate that not everyone should or could become a backyard beekeeper, but what is MORE important is that we grow food for bees - they'll travel up to 10kms for food, so literally wherever you are you can feed bees. 10 perennial plants that feed bees -
🐝 Rosemary⠀
🐝 Lavender ⠀
🐝 Anise Hyssop ⠀
🐝 Catmint ⠀
🐝 Comfrey ⠀
🐝 Echiums ⠀
🐝 Banksias ⠀
🐝 Raspberries and blueberries ⠀
🐝 Citrus trees⠀
🐝 Red flowering gum
I think I've got 9/10 in my garden! Save this list and refer back next time you're at the nursery xx
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