This plant-based recipe was created by Emma from @powerthroughplants using our famous ice cream moulds! It’s delicious, it’s refreshing, it’s healthy - I’ll be making a few batches this summer that’s for sure!

Emma says “Before we get into the recipe, here’s a funny story for you...
I came up with the “Summer Blend Series” last week. I rushed to Kmart and got myself icy pole molds for $3 and I was bloody stoked! I got home and immediately made my first set of icy poles as you would of seen a few post back.... they looked pretty good, right? Well, they were a nightmare to make! Sorry Kmart but your icy pole moulds kinda suck. In the end I had to melt and re-freeze the pops 3 times until only 5/12 of them worked. I even tried the whole baking paper in the bottom approach and the baking paper got soggy and ripped! AHHH! But I wasn’t about to go spend $40 on some fancy icy pole moulds either. My mum just laughed at me while my ego shrunk and shrunk (because usually, I can pull anything off). I told her to stop laughing and she just smiled and said “wait til Monday”. The bloody legend. She got me @alycealexandracookbooks icy pop moulds. All I’m going to say is; they’re an absolute DREAM to use. 100/10 would recommend.”
We love Emma and her Instagram account - beautiful but totally real and down-to-earth! If you’re interested in plant-based living (or more delicious healthy pops recipes in our moulds!), we highly recommend you give her a follow here.
Thermomix Recipe
(Converted by Ellen, you can thank her here!)
Peach Passionfruit Layer
🍑 170g canned peaches (Juice drained)
🍑 120g passionfruit pulp
🍑 30g unsweetened coconut yoghurt
🍑 1 tbsp maple syrup
Vanilla Coconut Layer
🍑 180g unsweetened coconut yogurt
🍑 1 tsp vanilla essence or vanilla bean paste
🍑 2 tbsp maple syrup
- Place all ingredients for the peach passionfruit layer into TC bowl, blend for 10 seconds, speed 7. Set aside in a small bowl.
- Without cleaning TC bowl, place all the ingredients for the vanilla coconut layer into TC bowl. Blend for 10 seconds, speed 5. Set mixture aside in a separate bowl to passionfruit. Place both bowls in the freezer for 15 minutes to thicken up.
- Once thickened, add spoonfuls of each mixture to six alyce alexandra icy pole moulds, alternating to create the layer effect.
- Place the icy poles in the freezer for 8 hours or overnight.
- Once set remove from the moulds and store in the freezer until ready to eat!
Conventional Recipe
Peach Passionfruit Layer
🍑 1 cup canned peaches (without the juice)
🍑 1/2 cup passionfruit pulp
🍑 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut yoghurt (or you can use coconut cream)
🍑 1 tbsp maple syrup
Vanilla Coconut Layer
🍑 1 1/2 cups unsweetened coconut yogurt (or you can use coconut cream)
🍑 1 tsp vanilla essence or vanilla bean paste
🍑 2 tbsp maple syrup
- Blend all ingredients for the peach passionfruit layer together in a blender or food processor until smooth.
- Transfer into a bowl and set aside. Repeat the same process for the vanilla coconut layer. Place both bowls in the freezer for 15 minutes to thicken up.
- Once thickened, add spoonfuls of each mixture to six alyce alexandra icy pole moulds, alternating to create the layer effect.
- Place the icy poles in the freezer for 8 hours or overnight.
- Once set remove from the moulds and store in the freezer until ready to eat!
Enjoy 🍑🌱✨